Our approach

Supporting your Culture and Business challenges by making them real through Simplicity. We commit to being flexible, agile, responsive, good listeners and a sparing partner. We have long-term relationships with many global clients because we are committed to their success.

We help organizations to build winning cultures 
with our deep culture transformation expertise

We do this by creating awareness of culture and cultural diversity as a crucial driver of success. Our “best of both” approach combines the opposites tensions with ""AND". It goes far beyond the compromise and aims at generating value by actively creating a new high performing culture focused on shared values and reconciled difference. 

We adopt a system thinking approach that considers all business implications of culture

We believe a holistic approach with a personal touch is essential to driving the culture of an organisation. Working with root cause analysis, our approach looks across the whole transformation journey to identify multiple possible drivers having potential impact on the reward and recognition program, globalization process, integration strategies and change management plan.

We introduce an alternative framework for human and organizational development through our proprietory methodologies developed over the past 30 years

We pride ourselves on being a research-driven organization researching culture across many dimensions and by transferring our insights and methodologies in a way that takes root and produces tangible results. Research is both rigorous and ‘academic’,  practitioner led, tested in business.  We teach people to recognize, respect and reconcile cultural differences, and help them to realize cultural advances in their day-to-day work. 

Emphathy connected to the client's vision through a true partnership that goes beyond the client-supplier approach. 

We aim for minimalist interventions yielding maximum results, where we take pride in using the client’s own language and discourse. That's why we became trusted partners of most of the Fortune 500 companies we served. 

We work with organizations through a highly customized and integrated approach including consulting, executive and team coaching, leadership development and training

All our services are supported by a wide range of proprietary diagnostics products which are directly linked to workshop processes, thus providing participants with a high degree of engagement: all work is done informed by their own, real business issues. 

We have an expert team with a pool of Subject Matters Experts, to meet the client’s needs with the highest degree of professionalism 

We work as a seamless team, drawing on from our pool of certified network partners on Subject Matter Experts globally, whilst making the most of our experiences with other clients. This enables us to support and work with our clients for the successful development of programs to address client challenges.

Führungskraft - Globales pharmazeutisches Unternehmen

"Die Verbesserung der organisatorischen Fähigkeit, Dilemmata zu bewältigen und die Führungskompetenz, diese zu lösen, hat unseren Veränderungsprozess auf überraschend effektive Weise mit den Geschäftsergebnissen und den Auswirkungen auf das Endergebnis verbunden."

Vorstand DHL - Deutsche Post World Net

"Dilemmamanagement ist eine Technik, die wir mehr in unsere Meetings einbringen und zu einem Teil unserer Unternehmenskultur machen sollten."

Direktor, L&D, Fortune 100 - Unternehmen für chemische Produkte

"Ich fühle mich glücklich, dass ich mit den Instrumenten und Materialien von Trompenaars Hampden-Turner vertraut gemacht wurde. Sie sind wirklich auf unsere Fragen eingegangen und haben uns mit praktischem Wissen für unsere globalen Herausforderungen ausgestattet."