Can you help our organization change from a risk avoiding to a risk managing culture?
We are losing clients because our Dutch compliance laws are one of the most strict globally. Help us change.
We want to become an innovative company but we are not used to make mistakes and taking uncalculated risks.

We help clients to turn a good risk management approach into innovation. You need to go from risk avoidance through risk acceptance to risk management.
Our approach to Risk Management
1 Recognize
Understanding Business and Cultural differences are crucial for the risk an organizational culture is creating
Diagnostics for mapping both cultural and business risks and the degree to which your organization is ready to deal with them properly
2 Respect
Charting the differences as attractive dilemmas to avoid compromises and foster constructive dialogues
Our blended workshops include the usage of our tools to assess your risk cultures, both business and organizational
3 Reconcile
Establishing a common ground for win-win situations and turning risk into innovation
Through our proprietory Dilemma Reconciliation Process we guaratee an innovative set of integral effective solutions for better risk management
4 Realize
Supporting in implementing the resolutions by rooting systems and processes into the company’s culture in a systemic way
We support the client in the concrete implementation and rooting of the suggested reconciliations, with the support of our patented processes and tools
Our publications in
Risk Management
Tango to Intercultural Integration: Reconciling Cultural Differences in Mergers, Acquisitions, and Strategic Partnerships
A new framework for managing change across cultures
Discover our Culture for Risk Scan
a tool to diagnose and reconcile the dilemmas linked to risk management
Please make an account and login first to read our success stories connected to risk management

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