Team Effectiveness Profiler
A transformative tool for organizations in diverse, multicultural environments, this profiler goes beyond traditional approaches by addressing the complexities of diverse, virtual, and specialized teams. By leveraging digitalization, it uncovers cultural differences, identifies key challenges, and highlights recurring dilemmas. It empowers leaders with actionable insights to turn diversity into a competitive advantage and foster collaboration for enhanced team effectiveness.

What is the Team Profiler?
It is an advanced tool designed to enhance team dynamics by identifying and addressing cultural orientation differences within and across teams. By providing insights into the cultural profiles of team members and comparing them against benchmarks, this profiler equips leaders with the knowledge to bridge gaps, manage diversity effectively, and drive better performance.

What is the purpose?
To provide a better understanding of cultural differences in a team, the reasons for cultural differences, and most importantly to increase the team leader’s cross-cultural management and integration capabilities.
Cultural Awareness: Builds awareness of cultural differences within the team and how they influence workplace dynamics.
Cross-Cultural Integration: Helps team leaders and members develop skills to manage and integrate diverse cultural perspectives.
Enhanced Team Performance: Provides practical guidance to optimize job performance, innovation, and bottom-line results in diverse teams.

Key Value for an Organization
The profiler elicits what one does well and suggests specific areas of focus for personal development, the responsibility for which is assigned to respondents (self-sufficiency).
Improves team cohesion and collaboration by addressing the root causes of conflict or misalignment.
Builds cultural competence within teams, making them more adaptable and effective in global or diverse settings.
Drives bottom-line business results by optimizing team performance through better understanding and integration of diverse cultural perspectives.

The basic principles
Assessment/feedback versus a mirror/reflection of the respondent (and, therefore, we speak of “describing” instead of “scoring”): it is about how the respondent sees him/herself. This way we avoid cultural bias.
Giving advice versus (self-) guiding (reflection questions): we give guidance as to what they can reflect on in the team performance.
Responsibility for development with coach versus responsibility for development with respondent (self-sufficiency): it is about coaching - the coach helps the team members with the development of the team.
“Static” tool versus developmental tool: you can do the tool over time and see the changes.
· Linear approach to development versus reconciled approach to development: we encourage the respondent to use DRP in the team development, instead of for instance SMART objectives.
Other tools
Other tools
- Culture Drive
- Culture for Business Tool
- Culture for Innovation Scan
- Dilemma Reconciliation
- Dilemma Scan
- Gender for Business Tool
- Generation for Business Tool
- Globalization Index
- Intercultural Awareness Profiler
- Intercultural Competence Profiler
- Organizational Culture Profiler
- Organizational Values Profiler
- Servant Leadership Profiler
- Team Effectiveness Profiler