Culture for Quality Scan
What is the Culture for Quality Scan?
There are more aspects to Quality than simply assessment of compliance. Use this scan to explore our integrated approach based on our extensive research and consulting practice.
What is the purpose?
This scan enables you to quickly assess your Organization’s Quality Profile and gives you some personalized feedback and explanation of our methodology.
Improving Quality Management
This quick assessment based on only 12 questions is obviously limited in terms of reliability and we would normally recommend our comprehensive Organization Quality Profiler webtool based on some 46 diagnostics and responses collected from relevant employees.
The conceptual framework and methodology is the same – namely the identification of key competing demands that will manifest as dilemmas and their measurements of current and ideal scenarios for enhancing quality.
- Better Ways of Working Scan
- Career Fit Scan
- Culture Drive
- Culture for Business Tool
- Culture for Change Scan
- Culture for Innovation Scan
- Culture for Quality Scan
- Culture for Risk Scan
- Culture for Safety Scan
- Digitalisation Tool
- Dilemma Scan
- Gender for Business Tool
- Generation for Business Tool
- Globalization Readiness Scan
- Integrated Innovation Profiler
- Intercultural Awareness Profiler
- Intercultural Competence Profiler
- Intercultural Competence Profiler 360ยบ with Observer Feedback
- M&A Scan
- Organization Culture Profiler
- Organizational Values Profiler
- Personal Value Profiler
- Servant Leadership Profiler
- Supplier Alignment Scan
- Sustainability Scan
- Team Effectiveness Profiler